Welcome to Warm Intro 🔥

“It's time for me to be who I am rather than who I'm supposed to be” - Thor, God of Thunder

Welcome to Warm Intro! I’m Parin and that’s me on the right hand side with a paddle in LEGO New Asgard with my wife in shot.

I previously led growth initiatives at Babylon Health and now invest in the future of gaming and edtech with the LEGO Family Office (KIRKBI).

The Warm Intro project is call about showcasing amazing founder stories. If that sounds like something you’d be in to, hit subscribe. 👇🏾

So what is Warm Intro?

Warm Intro started from the conviction that: “it’s founders that do the hard work”. It’s also very loosely inspired by Humans of New York.

Start-up founder stories are important. I have the privilege of hearing incredible founder stories daily. And yet, unless you are [e.g. Elon Musk], chances are that your story will be heard by relatively few people outside of investor circles. I want to change this.

It’s fascinating that an obsession with solving a problem can lead extraordinary people to forgo the very comfortable and instead take a leap into the unknown.

Founder stories capture who these people are at an atomic level. They are a snapshot in time of the why and the how. These stories are versatile: a rallying cry for like-minded talent, a beacon for others who are building, the activation energy and inspiration for the mission that builds community.

For me these stories are a strong signal: at the end of the day start-ups are built on the foundation of exceptional talent.

At Warm Intro we want to showcase the people behind the start-up in a way that’s realer and more honest than the Techcrunch post that claps over a large capital raise.

If you like the sound of that, subscribe here.

And check out some of the back catalogue on the home page. 🔥

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Showcasing the people behind the start-up


Investor at LEGO Ventures